Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Doug is Home

Doug came home last evening - and what a journey that was - the ambulance crew had a really hard time getting him up the stairs to my home and ended up doing major damage to my wall. Sigh! They were a bit worried that I was going to do a report and even offered to come in their free time to repair it - but in light of everything it really wasn't their fault and so I will wait until things settle down and put all those years of watching those do it yourself programs to use.

Today is Doug's birthday - and I haven't a clue as to how to even recognize it - what do you do when you know that this is your loved ones last birthday - what do you even say. I am hoping that Hospice will come early to show me what to do for him - I haven't been able to move him from the position the ambulance crew left him in and he had a very uncomfortable first night - he finally went to sleep at around 3 am - I gave him a foot rub like Jean was doing in hopes that it would relax him....just keep us in prayer - this is a hard day for everyone.

We had quite an interesting birthday evening - first we ordered a hospital bed - I had made up a regular bed for Doug - with all new striped sheets - no flowers!!! But it just wasn't a good idea as he is not mobile and this made it impossible for him to be comfortable. So we did some major furniture moving and now he is comfortable in a hospital bed.

The best part of the evening is that Doug ate 2 lampchops and asparagus - Jean fed it to him, and we were both so delighted when he actually clapped for the "chief" at the end of the meal - really made the whole evening fun...